ISO 9001 Certified in ESG Reporting and Climate Policy Advisory

Monthly Archives: February 2023

GreenCo Provides Advisory Services on Responsible Investment for an Asset Management Company

GreenCo has recently been assisting a leading asset management company in complying with the requirements of being a signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment (“PRI”).

GreenCo Enhances ESG Reporting for a Licensed Bank in Alignment with TCFD Recommendations

GreenCo is glad to assist its clients to be well-prepared for the potential enhancements in reporting requirements, such as new standards, by staying aligned with the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong’s guidance in their latest reports.

GreenCo Provides Sustainability Reporting Advisory to Fulfill Requirements of Singapore Exchange Limited (SGX)

The SGX Group has amended the listing rules to require issuers to provide climate-related disclosures in the sustainability report from the financial year commencing in 2022 based on the recommendations from the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”) on a “comply or explain” basis.

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